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tisdag 30 april 2013

We Are Getting Back Together:Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back

There are many ways to get your ex boyfriend back and you have probably already tried some of them. Technology has changed the way we all do things and texting is one of those things that makes our world different than when losing your ex boyfriend happened a few decades ago. Did you know you can harness this technology to get your ex boyfriend back? Most people today spend hours of their day simply texting. You and your ex boyfriend are probably not different in this respect. So you've taken the first step and had the thought of getting your ex boyfriend back by texting him.

Your next thought was probably “How do I do it?” and “Can I text my ex boyfriend back in my life?” It is simple enough to compose and send a text message, but you might be at a loss of what to send to him. You're in luck because we're going to help you in a few simple steps what you need to do.

Step 1: Remembering The Good Times

Don't jump in with a serious attempt to get your ex boyfriend back right from the start. This is a mistake. What will serve you best is to text him about the good times you guys have shared. Think of when you were with him and you both were smiling and a laughing together. A moment where you were happier than can you ever remember being. If you can find pictures of these events make sure that is in the text. Pictures can bring up emotions and memories that the written word is unable to do. The moments where you think back on and can't help but smile should be your filter for what is probably best to send to him. You want to stir in him the feelings and emotions of those good times.

Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back

Step 2: Onward To Intimacy

After you have been able to build up the text messaging more and more so you are texting more often together it's time to take the next step and create some intimacy. Your goal is to make your ex come to the conclusion that the two of you should get back together again. This can be accomplished by reminding him of how close you used to be. This step will be a lot easier if your ex boyfriend is going through a hard time in his life, but if you are careful with your wording and tone in your texts it can still work. Let your ex know that you're there for him and that if he needs anything you'll be there.

Step 3: Put It All On The Line

The last and most scary step on this process is to let your ex know how you feel. You have to put everything on the line for the text that says what your heart is feeling. If you do this too soon you may drive him away. This is the last step because now you have nothing to hide behind except the phone you're typing into. You don't want to scare him away. You may find yourself typing and then deleting this text message many times. Don't worry, that's ok, because this message really needs to get across your feelings and articulate them well. You will want to do this right. You may even want to include a time and place to meet your ex with this text message so that you have an opportunity to tell him in person so he can see just how serious you are about your feelings.

Technology has only changed the playing field and not the processes. If you are thinking of texting your ex boyfriend back then follow the steps above. Pay careful attention to move only as fast as you need to and what you feel is the most comfortable pace with your ex. This is not impossible so don't lose hope. Stick with it and you'll text your ex boyfriend back into your life.
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söndag 28 april 2013

Win Your Ex Boyfriend Back

Do you constantly think about your ex boyfriend? Are you thoughts dominated with what once was? You miss the good times and the memories that you share together. Thinking about it may have made it so you can't think of anything else. If you want to win your ex boyfriend back keep reading because that's what we're going to help you achieve.

One of the first things you need to do is stop feeling sorry for yourself and moping around. You need to turn your mind around before you can get  focused enough to make those changes with your ex boyfriend that you want. Toughen up! It's time to stop crying and do something positive that will help you. Sitting at home constantly feeling lonely, bitter, and devastated isn't going to make him come back.

You need to rediscover who you are. You've spent a long time with your ex boyfriend and may have lost sight of you; so this needs to be remedied. It can be a bit scary since you feel so much of you is attached to him, but you need to remember who you are without him. You can go about this a lot different ways so use what's best for you.

Give your girlfriends a call and hang out with them. Maybe there's a hobby you've been neglecting or forgotten since you got into the relationship. What was something that you loved to do that got you excited every time you thought about it? Rediscover these things about yourself.

Win Your Ex Boyfriend Back

You will accomplish several things in this pursuit. Your confidence will grow, you'll feel more alive expressing yourself and doing the things you used to do.  Your ex boyfriend will be able to see the confidence in you as well. It's easy for someone to look at you and see that you're happy and getting fulfillment when you're doing those sort of tasks. He will feel it too.

The next step is to bury the hatchet of the past. When you make the decision to let it go you need to be serious about it and let it go. The past is over and happened. You can only live in the now. And in the now you need to examine yourself and any mistakes you made in the relationship.

You do not have the power to change your ex but you can change yourself. You may discover that you were too clingy, so work to become the opposite, more independent. The ideal way to make these changes is to leave your ex alone for awhile. Limited to no contact.

During this time you may bring things up within you that you aren't ready to work through yet. This is not wasted time because it will give your ex time to miss you being around. Through this time apart the communication between the two of you will be that much better when it happens.

After this period of self discovery it's o.k. to let your ex know that you still think about him every once in a while. You could be doing something the two of you used to do. Tell him that you think of him whenever you do this. It will go a long way.

Remembering the good times is a great technique to use too for the same reason. You are getting at his sentimental side and how great things used to be. The times you've shared together are something completely unique to the two of you. So understand that the good times are important to you to get him back, because no one else will have that experience in the way you two shared it.

When you reach this vital point in the process, realize that there is nothing wrong with telling your ex that you miss him. There is a good probability that he misses you too. Do your best to not come off as desperate since that will only hurt what you've worked so hard to earn back.

Confidence in yourself and that you can win your ex boyfriend back and a well planned strategy will put you in the best position possible to win him back. There is a right time for all the moves outlined, so make sure you have a complete understanding of each step, before moving to each subsequent step to wining your ex boyfriend back.
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lördag 27 april 2013

We Are Getting Back Together:Tips To Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back Quickly

If you have just broken up with your beautiful ex girlfriend you want to get her back as fast as you possibly can. Getting your ex girlfriend back will be your number one priority and something you think about every day, if not every minute. Before you stop reading and decide that you're going to do it you need to keep reading for some tips on what are the right and wrong things to do.

There is nothing in the world that can stop you from getting your ex girlfriend back, but you must know the right moves to make and the right time to make them. Here are some tips that can help you get your ex girlfriend back quickly.

Tip 1: This is a mistake a lot of people make, but do not terrorize your ex girlfriend with constant calls, texts, emails, or any other form of communication. Your heart is guiding you more than your brain is right now so take a moment and think. This is not a good idea and will only annoy them, causing them to push you away, even block you or un Friend you on the social media sites.

You want to take some time first to just let things be. Give your ex girlfriend some space and time to think on her own, time that would be well spent if you did the same thing, and let the situation cool off a bit. Both guys and girls do crazy things after breaking up and can get so crazy that they end up with a Legal Restraining Order slapped on them by the ex. Whatever you do don't let that happen

Tip 2: Since the break up has happened and you are reading this now then there were definitely some mistakes and misunderstandings that took place; on the part of you both. Before going any further you are going to look at the relationship, with as objective eyes as you can, and figure out what went wrong.  Be sure to remember the old adage of "When you point the finger of wrong at someone, you have 3 pointing right back at you.

Why did it go wrong? What can you do to assure that this does not happen the next time? These are questions worth asking and finding the answers for. Think about what she'll want to know the next time you talk. She'll ask if anything is different. Are YOU different? How are you different? What have you done to make sure you don't just break up again with the same problems? Find these answers. Whatever you find that caused this relationship to end address it, fix it, change from it.

Tips To Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back Quickly

Tip 3: You're going to need to occupy yourself before making first contact with your ex girlfriend again so also use this time to recharge. Now is the time to find a new hobby, read that book you've been putting off, go to the gym and work out, discover some other interests you may have. One reason for the break up may be that you became boring to her, that you had nothing more to talk about. Guess what?

These diversionary tasks for your mind will also reignite conversation topics again and make you more interesting. Refresh yourself. Refresh your look, keep your mind occupied. All this time will be useful later on when she finds you interesting again with the new experiences you have.

Tip 4: At the time that is decided to meet with her for the first time after the break up it's important that this meeting be cordial, light, and brief. You are working to restore the lines of communication that may have suffered after the break up. You do no want to bring up old relationship issues now. That can create arguments, fights, and ill feelings toward each other that neither of you are ready to deal with yet.

What you want is small talk. You're just checking in on her, letting her know you're still around, and have made some changes in your life. That is all you want out of this meeting.

The bridge must be rebuilt and it can't be rebuilt in one meeting and definitely not in the first meeting. Be polite, brief, and try to make it fun, but also keep it short. There will be a time and a place to explore this deeper when you meet her again.

You can follow these tips and get your ex girlfriend back quickly if you stick to them and understand why they must happen the way they do. It will take work from both sides. Since you can only change yourself, and have no power to make you ex change, you must change what you have control over first. These steps will set you on the proper path to getting your ex girlfriend back.
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torsdag 25 april 2013

How Do I Get My Ex Boyfriend Back Three Answers To A Tough Question

I have to admit, when my boyfriend of several years decided he needed a break from our relationship, just about all I could think of was “How do I get my ex boyfriend back now?”

I was as stressed out as any other woman would be in that situation, but when I really sat down to think about it, I saw there were basically three different answers to the old question of “How do I get my ex boyfriend back?” I’ve listed them all for you here.

Option #1: Go to him

If you’ve just broken up, this is probably the method your heart’s telling you—no, screaming for you—to use. You want to drive down to his house with French maid’s outfit and a bottle of massage oil and apologize, beg, and bat your eyelashes until he forgives you.

Unfortunately, next to actually running over his dog, this is probably the very best way to make sure the break up is final. It makes you look emotionally unstable and like someone who can’t really handle life on their own.

Sometimes those tearful, lovelorn pleas work on us gals, but they usually have the opposite effect on men, who aren’t as comfortable with open displays of emotion as we are. For this reason, even a little thing like sending a mushy love letter is just a bad idea. That’s why I decided this wasn’t the answer to the question of how do I get my ex boyfriend back.

Option #2: Let him come to you!

No! I don’t mean sitting by the phone all night praying for him to call. I mean going about your life as if you’d never met Mr. what’s-his-name, only stopping to let any mutual friend of yours know that you’re still single and theoretically willing to speak to your ex.

If you honestly think your guy will soon come to realize what a mistake it was to let you go (eg. he’s done this before), you’re probably safe with this route. Otherwise, though, it’s fairly risky.

You’re counting on the fact that he’s still thinking about you when in fact he could be off on Caribbean cruise thinking about anything but his ex girlfriend.

Option #3: Work through friends!

Recruiting mutual friends to help in reuniting you and your guy is not only effective, it’s also a perfectly respectable, unlike the French maid outfit thing. The reason this works is because his friends will be able to frame your outpouring of longing in the way your guy can relate to and, more importantly, that doesn’t freak him out.

The trick here is to choose one and only one of his friends to help you out. Don’t start calling everyone whose number you have in hopes of overwhelming him with attacks from all sides.

You’ll both dilute the effect and make yourself look desperate. Just pick one friend and ask if they’d been willing to convey a message to your ex. If they are, be as open an honest as you can be about what happened and how you’re feeling.

I can tell you, sitting home wondering “How do I get my ex boyfriend back?” won’t do you much good. Ultimately, you have the best chance of winning him back by enlisting a friend of his for help. But, you can improve on the options above by seeking the advice of a professional relationship therapist.
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tisdag 23 april 2013

3 Tips for getting your Ex Back Fast and 2 Things To Avoid

Break ups can be very difficult to deal with and many are quite stressful and traumatic.  Although the relationship has been struggling perhaps you weren’t really ready for breaking up and are now asking yourself the question ‘how do I get my ex back?  Even if your breakup is a very traumatic one there is usually still some hope of reconciliation.  If you know the right steps to take and how to act toward your ex then you just might be able to repair your relationship.  Here are some tips and tricks that can help you win your ex back and also some things that you might want to avoid.

Tip #1 – be yourself.  Acting like someone else just to try and win your ex back will not help matters in the long term.  Even if acting differently helps them to like you in the short term, it is hard to keep up the facade long term and sooner or later you will fall back into acting like yourself, so if you really want to be successful at getting your ex back then start acting like yourself.
Tip #2 – never use the method of trying to make him jealous to get him back.  Flirting with his friends in front of him will only hurt his feelings and could actually make the situation worse.  Some people use flirting to make their ex jealous while others use it to get revenge, either way it could backfire and you could lose him forever.
Tip #3 – be honest with your ex and don’t be afraid to tell him how you feel.  Don’t go overboard and act like life is not worth living without him, you don’t want to appear desperate.  Talk to him and let him know that you still love him and that you still want this relationship to work.  You never know, there is a chance that he might be feeling the same way and also want to give it another go.
Things to Avoid
Things to Avoid #1 – if you both agree to give the relationship another go then you want to make things clear right from the start that you are serious about the relationship.  Avoid getting into a habit of ‘on and off dating’ as this can be heart breaking and is no good for anyone.  Have a really good think about how you feel and if making this relationship work is really what you want and talk to him so you can find out if he really wants it to work too.
Things to Avoid #2 – don’t forget about the issues that led to your relationship breaking up in the first place.    If you want to save this relationship and turn it around into a happy relationship then you need to work on any issues that you had.  If you ignore the reasons for your breakup then you can’t move past them, it is important that you face any problems you had to move on and have a healthy relationship.
It is possible to win your ex back but you need to be sensible in your approach.  Use these tips and things to avoid and build a stronger, healthier relationship that will be made to last.

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Still In Love With My Ex - Tips That Might Help To Get Them Back

If you are saying to yourself I am still in love with my ex, there is help out there to find ways to get your ex back. If your relationship ended because of something stupid there is a chance he still has feelings for you, too. If that something stupid was a misunderstanding that snowballed out of control and the only way out for the both of you was to break up then just apologize. If both of you need to apologize then all you have to do is to be the bigger person and make that first apology.

Another way to get him back is to use the technology we have available to us today. If you do not feel like calling him or are too embarrassed, then email or text him. If he responds then you are off to a good start. Set up a place to meet and have lunch or coffee and just talk. Do not start by getting all into what went wrong within your relationship, just talk and keep things friendly.

While you are apart though, it would be a good idea to try to improve yourself in some way. Once he sees that you have made some of the changes that need to be made then you may inspire him to do the same and he may even ask for tips on how you are making the changes you are making. If he does ask then you will have more things to talk about and maybe can find things that the both of you are interested in, too. He may even say to himself that I am still in love with my ex and want to explore the possibility of getting back together.

When wanting to get back with an ex, it can be very helpful to consider what went wrong and who screwed up. This isn't about whose fault it was, it's about finding the solutions to the problems that led to the break up of your relationship in the first place. Once you have done that the rest can fall into place seamlessly.

No matter who was at fault more than likely you both made some mistakes and can benefit from making some changes. This is the best way to start. It can allow you to not only get back with your ex but you will both have a much better chance of making things work if you do reconcile. It can make you both more mindful of the other's feelings.

It is also very important for you to spend time doing the things you like to do and spending time with the people you enjoy spending time with. All of this will allow you some breathing room and time to deal with your own issues.  It will also make the time seem to go a little faster while you are making changes.

Once you've worked things out you should talk to your ex. There are quite a few ways you can do this:  face to face, email, text, instant message, phone call, mutual friends, hand written letter, taking out an ad in the paper, follow them on twitter, message them on facebook. You could even try skywriting but that is kind of old school. Stick with the more popular methods or you may just get laughed at.

It doesn't matter what method you use, if you follow these ways to get you ex back and do everything you can do to ensure your relationship will be strong this time around, he will most likely be saying I'm still in love with my ex, too.
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lördag 20 april 2013

We Are Getting Back Together:How To Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back Without Losing Your Self Respect

Trying to figure out how to get your ex boyfriend back without becoming “that crazy chick?” Don’t worry, it can be done, but you need to be careful about whose advice you follow. The problem is a lot of women collect every trick in the book and then use them all at once. Can you say, “bunny boiler?”
To help you keep your guy and your self respect in the process, here are some no-stress, no-drama tips on how to get your ex boyfriend back.

Take time out!

Take some time out Whatever you do, don’t act on the emotions you have right after the breakup. Maybe you feel like showing up at his house with a batch of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies and pouring your heart out about everything you did wrong. Once you’ve had a few days to gain some perspective, though, you’ll see why that’s a bad idea.

Don’t even so much as IM your ex until you at least feel like you can live without him. When you talk to your guy again, you need to come across as fun and attractive—or at least emotionally stable—or you risk scaring him for good. Think over why you broke up. Let’s face it, when we get used to a guy, we can all become a little demanding, nagging, and overly emotional. Take a long hard look at how you’ve changed since you first met each other and take steps to show your ex you won’t be like that again.
This is another reason most tips on how to get your ex boyfriend back will tell you to rein in your emotions and be more like the fun, confident woman you were when he first met you.

Stay attractive!

You may not know this exactly, but if you have some idea of what it was about you your guy found attractive, play up that trait a little (assuming you enjoy it, too). Maybe you loved to go hiking together or he admired your passion for politics. Whatever it was, get involved with it again and make sure your mutual friends know.

One thing you don’t want to do, though, is start dating again. Your ex might presume you’re no longer interested in him and not even try to make contact even if he does start missing you.

Get good advice!

As you’ve probably noticed, just about everyone has an opinion to give you on how to get your ex boyfriend back. While some of your friends might come up with pretty practical advice, you never know which tip might backfire on you. To keep things simple, look for proven advice from those experienced in mending relationships, such as marriage counselors.

The main thing to keep in mind when you’re trying to decide how to get your ex boyfriend back is to stay calm and not grab at every piece of advice you come across. As long as your ex sees that you really are still the person he used to love; following a proven plan from a professional relationship counselor can bring your guy back faster than you might think.
Heres the Secret from the man that has helped over 50 000 people to make up instead of break up!

fredag 19 april 2013

We Are Getting Back Together:How Can We Get Back Together:5 Simple Tips To Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back

If you have been apart for any amount of time, then you know how difficult it can be to get your ex boyfriend back after a break up. It's unfortunate, but the vast majority of people will never get back together again. However, that's not their fault as they aren't issued a manual on how to deal with a break up once they start dating. The good news is that there are a few tricks that you can use to get him back again. Use the following tips to help you get your ex boyfriend back.

1 - The first thing you must do if you want to be together with your ex boyfriend is to think clearly. Don't let your feelings get the better of you. Be happy, positive, confident and well-grounded. It may take a while, and it isn't easy to do, but it's an absolute necessity if you are serious about patching things up.  to get back is to get your head straight.

2 - Focus on the present. Even in the best case scenario of getting back together, you have to realize that your relationship can never be the same as it was. That doesn't mean it will be better or worse, but it will be different. Nobody has a functioning time machine, so the only thing you can do is make the present as good as it can be to increase the chances of a happier future. Besides, if things were really that great before, you wouldn't have broken up.

3 - Don't be a pest. This tip isn't all that easy, either, but it's important. As a general rule, ex boyfriends don't like to be obsessed over. You may miss him dearly, and want to see his face or hear is voice, but resist that temptation. The trick is to give him the space and time he needs to start thinking about you in a positive way again. If you pester him too much, you will most likely push him away...forever.

4 - Become desirable. This may sound distasteful to some, but let's face it, men are fairly simple creatures. Get a new look and you may turn his head again. Also, looking your best is a great way to boost your self confidence, and that's more appealing than just about anything else. Don't think of it as being superficial, but rather as changing your outward appearance to change your concept of self.

5 - Slow down. The first four tips we covered will put the odds in your favor of getting your ex boyfriend back. You may be so thrilled at this prospect that you start gushing about how great things will be, how much you have changed, how you're willing to do whatever it takes, calling all your girlfriends to let them know, and, and...STOP! Slow down!

Don't force things. Let them take their natural course by taking it easy. After all, you don't want to lose him now that you got him back.
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torsdag 18 april 2013

We Are Getting Back Together Again:Four Tips To Get Your Lover Back By Being Irresistible

If you have just broken up with your lover then you will most likely be very upset and wondering how you can get your lover back.  At the moment it may seem like you could never win him back and that your life is ruined, but there are some things that you can do to help get this relationship back together.  Often when a relationship has failed and gone through such a rough time, if it can be brought back together it will be stronger than ever.

In this article we are going to give you four easy steps that you can use to help get your lover back.  All situations and all relationships are different, so you need to work with these steps and fit them into your own situation.  These steps will certainly get you started on your reconciliation journey and hopefully have you back in each other’s arms in no time.  Let's take a look at the four tips to get your lover back.

Tip 1 - If you're ex has hurt you then you need to forgive him for what he did.  If it was something unforgivable then you need to move on and forget about him.  If it was something that you can forgive then you need to do that.  There is no point going back into a relationship when you are carrying a grudge for something that he did in the past.  You need to leave the past behind and focus on the future.

Tip 2 - Don't wait for your ex to come crawling back to you or you may end up waiting a very long time.  Go out there and make the move and take the initiative.  It can be a bit nerve-wracking to do this if you aren't sure if the odds are in your favor or not, but if you really love him then it will be worth the risk.  If you take the first move to say you are sorry and let him know how you still feel, then you may soon have your relationship back on track.

Tip 3 - Don't stalk him.  Some women are so desperate to get their lover back that they practically stalk him, sending him text messages 100 times a day and calling him 50 times a day.  Leaving numerous messages on his voice mails and even parking outside his house.  Stalking him like this only makes you look desperate and this is not a good way to get him back, in fact it might drive him further away.  Sure take the initiative to contact him and talk to him about his feelings, but certainly do not stalk him.

Tip 4 - Become irresistible to him.  Go out and join a gym and get fit, get a new hair style so you are looking great.  Go out with your friends to the places where you know he'll be hanging out and let him see you looking great and having fun.  When they see how great you look and how much fun you are it will bring back happy memories and he may start to regret his decision to leave you.

These four tips have helped many people get their relationship back together.  If you're relationship is meant to be then these will certainly help you to rekindle your spark.
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onsdag 17 april 2013

How To Rekindle Love With Your Ex Boyfriend - Stop The Desperation

Many girls when trying to win their ex back become quite desperate and this act of desperation will actually turn your ex away.  Men don't like women that are desperate and needy so don't act in desperation but instead toughen up, plan what you are going to do and then take steps to rekindle that love.  It won't be easy and you may even need to make some sacrifices but it your best chance atgetting your boyfriend back.

Firstly you don't want to call or text your boyfriend for a little while you need to take time to clear your head and think things through.  If you call him while you are upset and emotional you often say things you don't mean, don't make a lot of sense or sound desperate, so avoid calling him while you are still emotional.  Take this time on your own to reflect about the relationship and what went wrong.

During this time you want to identify your needs and your wants and also work on figuring out what it is that he needs and wants.  This self reflection time will help you to find yourself again and find what it is that you want in life and in a relationship.  If your boyfriend did something that resulted in this breakup then you need to decide whether it is something that you can forgive him for.  If you can't forgive him then you need to let go of any thoughts of getting back together and move on.  If you can forgive him then you must do that so that you don't go back into the relationship holding a grudge.

Through this self reflection time look at how you act when you are around him.  Are you clingy and possessive of him?  Men like to be able to provide and protect their women but they don't like women that are overly possessive and paranoid so if you have been acting this way then you need to take steps to change that.  Even when you are in a relationship you need some amount of individuality and you need to let him have that and you should also have it yourself.  You need to take a good look at all the aspects of the relationship and see where it went wrong and where there is room for improvement.

When you are calm and are thinking clearly and have discovered yourself and what might have gone wrong in the relationship, and then you will be ready to talk to him.  Call him and invite him out to one of your favorite places that you both enjoyed going to together.  Talk about the things that you have in common and the things you liked to do together.  Talk about the happy moments that you had together.

Then talk about what you have been doing and what you have been thinking about.  Let him know that you have thought long and hard about the relationship and that you want to work together with him to overcome any problems that you had and make the relationship work.

If your ex boyfriend is already dating someone else then don't go chasing him, if he has moved on then perhaps you need to do the same.  He might not be happy with this new person and realize he has made a mistake and call you, but if he doesn't then you need to let him go.  Chasing him when he is happily dating someone else will just bring you more heartache.

It is hard work to win your ex back and you want to go into it prepared and ready to work at your relationship.
Ps. You Have To See This!

tisdag 16 april 2013

10 Ways To Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back Fast

Some romantic break ups just aren't meant to be, and are worth trying to repair. Are you trying to get your ex husband or ex-boyfriend back? The first thing that you need to do, is to determine whether or not this is actually what you want to accomplish. Once you have made up your mind and have decided that you want to get your former boyfriend or spouse back, then some of the following, ten ways to get your ex boyfriend back, may be able to help.

1 - Take the time to figure out why the breakup occurred. Is there something that you can change? Sometimes people get comfortable in their relationships and let themselves go, and all it takes to repair this problem is to discover what it is and make a change.

2 - Never personally tell him that you want him back. The odds are, he is missing you too. Play a little bit hard to get and let him remember why he misses you and wants you back. Whatever you do don't overplay this card, as it could have disastrous consequences for you.

3 - Take a look at how you present yourself. Do you make an effort to dress up for your ex boyfriend, or are you too comfortable around him for that now? If you used to dress more nicely and perhaps more provocative, consider going back to that. If you dress to impress, he may find himself wanting you back.

4 - Get a little closer to his male friends to stir up a bit of jealousy. Some times all that it takes is to remind him how much he wants you back by making him a little jealous. However, a word of caution when using this tactic; it could possibly backfire on you.

5 - Think about how you talk to him, in comparison to how you used to talk to him. Talk to him the same way that you want to be spoken to if you want to reignite a romantic feeling between the two of you. Bring back the "sweet terms of endearment" you guys used when you first fell in love with each other.

6 - Ask him out after you have formed a game plan, and show him that you can still have fun together with one another. Don't worry about complicating things by working out the issues now, just show him that you guys can still have fun and watch things reignite accordingly.

7 - Force yourself to be laid back and even confident when you are around him. Do not stress yourself out worrying about talking things through with him. Most guys prefer girls that know what is best for them.

8 - Don't focus on him too hard. Don't outright ignore your ex boyfriend, but take some of your focus away from him and let him wonder about it. Tell him you're busy or just have a lot going on, rather than making it about him. Let him sit and stew, and he may end up being the one rekindling things! Once again don't overdo it.

9 - Act like you know he cares about you, but that you're not all together affected by it. The moment he realizes you're getting over him, he may be much more willing to do the chasing. Let him remember how important you are and see what happens.

10 - Show him that you can have plenty of fun without him. Don't be mean in how you act around former lover, but show him that you're having a good time with your friends and he may remember why he fell in love with you in the first place.

These 10 ways to get your ex boyfriend back are not set in stone and you should be flexible. Use your commonsense and allow the truthfulness of your love too shine through and hopefully your ex will be back in your arms before you know it.
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måndag 15 april 2013

Getting Your Ex Boyfriend Back 5 Things You Should Never Do

Most of the time, getting your ex boyfriend back is easier than it seems right after the break up. The reason a lot of us mess it up is because we react on raw emotion and what was just a  natural, temporary time out becomes permanent.

Don’t become a drama queen!

It doesn’t take a sociologist to see that in general, women are pretty comfortable with displays of emotion, whereas most guys just don’t know how to handle them. When confronted with crying, the only thing a lot of guys want to do is run the other direction. Hardly the reaction you want when you’re working on getting your ex boyfriend back.

Don’t make it obvious!

While you were single, you were probably a pretty attractive confident gal who wasn’t overly concerned with what any particular guy thought, right? That’s exactly what your ex fell for.

Yet after a break up, so many women buy extra-sexy clothes, hit the clubs every, and in short become totally different people. By doing this, instead of making it look like you’re over the guy, it makes it look like you’re so desperate to get him back that you’re willing to change your whole personality. Advertising your availableness is just as bad as sitting home crying.

Don’t bug his friends!

If your ex isn’t answering your phone calls or emails, the next obvious way to contact him is through his friends. All in all, this isn’t a bad idea because his close friends do have a lot of power to sway his opinion about you. What is a bad idea is calling regularly calling every friend you know and begging them to ask your ex to contact you.

Instead, pick one or two of his friends and ask if they’d be willing to let your guy know that you’re sorry about how things turned out, but that you still care about him and miss him. Leave it at that. If he wants to contact you, he will.

Don’t play detective!

No matter how much you want to know how he’s getting along without you, restrain your desire to spy on him. While you can’t go to wrong asking a friend of his to convey a message from you, don’t then go on to ask if your ex is still single, what he does on the weekend, or even how he seems to be feeling. It’s not only impolite, it’s also really annoying. Being annoying is not one of the best ways of getting your ex boyfriend back.

Don’t ignore the “culture gap”!

Sure, men and women aren’t really from different planets, but we do tend to look at relationships and emotions differently from the way guys do. If you want to get through to your man, respect those differences and put some effort into learning how men think about romantic matters. This may mean having a real heart-to-heart with a close male friend, but it can dramatically increase your chances ofgetting your ex boyfriend back.

If you need some sound advice on getting your ex boyfriend back, skip the drama mamma advice in the women’s magazines and look for a proven plan developed by someone who knows what they’re talking about.
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